I could not let this day pass without mentioning it is NATIONAL CUPCAKE DAY! Come on! Best day ever! So, I would like dedicate a post to my favorite cupcake bakeries of all time. Without them.. I would be cupcakeless or basically eating muffins. In no particular order here are the best cupcake bakeries I have been to in the United States.
It is such an honor for a bakery to make the Cupcake Cup as my opinions are so very important.. I had to laugh at that.
The Cupcake Collection
Sprinkles Bakery
Magnolia Cupcakes
Georgetown Cupcakes
GiGi's Cupcakes
I am always on the hunt for a new and uber delicious cupcake. Each time I visit a city I try out all the cupcake bakeries I can before my host gets sick of driving me around for little bites of heaven. Anne and I even did a Cupcakes Across America tour. In honor of National Cupcake Day I leave you with words of wisdom and serenity.FIN
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