Having an advanced degree in psychology is a gift and a curse. It truly is. It is very easy to see what you are doing wrong, address it, and draft up a plan of action. I have always said as humans we are in a constant state of evolution and each day I strive to be better than I was yesterday. In THEORY this sounds amazing. Alas, as much as I LIKE to think I am a goddess, I am a mere human and riddled with human frailties. I have several mental projects I am working on at press.. But there is one thing I have never managed to improve upon, shake, solve, get rid of… I am an emotional eater!

My emotional eating is not a secret as I can readily admit it. I just can’t STOP it. Perhaps I was socialized to believe food is the outlet for all emotions. Celebrations are always accompanied with a grande dinner and fabulous deserts. Whenever I was down as a child my Mother would give me sweets. Ah the sugar devil is my friend. I love SUGAR. Well.. Let me be more succinct. Food that people tend to refer to as “junk” or “bad” is like a Visa card for me. Everywhere I want to be! Although I grew up overseas, my parents are Southerners. So as you can imagine fried food is king, queen, princess, prince, and court jester to me. I love fried foods just as much as I love sugar. Sugary fried foods are a win win! I also love soul food. Soul food will kill ya. Along with soul food, I love Asian food. Outside of Japanese cuisine, most Asian food is… Yes.. FRIED! Ah I love it. And who can forget Mexican fried goodness? They are geniuses becasue they figured out how to fry ice cream!  See how the links fit together? Not only do I love all the wrong foods, I love them all the time, all too much. So. I SHOULD work on this right? After all.. I am a psych person.. Shouldn’t I therapize myself? In THEORY yes.. But. Well.. I don’t WANT TO. I like self medicating with food. It is fast.. It is easy.. and yeah.. it has the potential of ruining your life. And. Well it has. Examples. I was miserably married.. Poof! I gained 40 pounds! When I decided to leave.. 30 melted away effortlessly. Or when I have a bad day at work, instead of going shoe shopping, I go to Sonic.

Currently, I am uber stressed out at work. My way of coping with it is to eat all sorts of things that make me happy. As I am not a quitter, I am NOT going to start eating healthy till I feel like it. Right now I feel like eating Caramel Popcorn.

Oracle’s Happiness List
1. Godiva chocolate
2. Twizzlers (really all candy)
3. Fried Chicken
4. Pizza
5. Chinese Food
6. Coldstone Ice Cream
7. Coke
8. Sweet tea
9. Doritoes
10. Coconut Doughnuts
11. Gummy Bears
12. Red Wine
13. French Fries
14. Burgers
15. Oatmeal Cookies (which I call breakfast due to the oatmeal)
16. Jack Daniels
17. Mexican Food

And we MUST not forget CUPCAKES! Yes.. My lovelies. Red Velvet Cupcakes are my favorite but I will settle for any flavor. The thought of cupcakes makes me giggle like a feind.

This is the ideal meal for me in my current emotional state. Burgers, fries, fried chicken, coke! Yes yes yes yes! The coke may or may not have Jack Daniels in it too. Ah.. Bliss...

So until I either quit.. Or decide Momma is getting chunky.. I will continue on this path of minor destruction, for now. In fact.. It is almost 4 PM and all drinks at Sonic are half priced! I am about to bask in slushy glory! I might even have some Ketel One to add to the drink!

Comments (2)

On September 24, 2009 at 6:26 PM , Katis Kupcakes said...

boy, i couldve written this one--in the same boat at the moment--thanx for your honesty and sharing!

On October 28, 2009 at 3:21 AM , Kim said...

No Hot Tamales?