Dear 2011,

Last year was a year full of setbacks, hard work, people driving me to the edge of sanity, financial scrapes,  and a whole wealth of bullshit. I have great expectations for you 2011 as 2010 turned out to be a jankey bossy boyfriend with bad credit and suspected VD. Basically something that I am delighted it is behind me. You see 2011,  you have so much promise, potential, and hope. I have put a lot of preparation into you. Great care and planning to make and mold you, yes YOU my breakout year. All the planets are aligned. All the sacrifices have been made prior to your arrival. I am paid in full.  So you see.. All you have to do is deliver. I did my part, and will continue to work diligently with you to make this year the best ever. I have come out of the dark tunnel victorious. The Allegory of my Cave is over. It is my turn to shine. Hell. I toiled hard enough. I deserve it. 90 hour work weeks, sleeping 3 hours a day if that, paying down enormous debt, working in one of the most dangerous places in Houston, the toll of working nights has had on my body,  being away from my family and friends.. The list goes on and on. I am just giving you insight into why my expectations are so seemingly astronomical. The chickens have come home to roost.  After all I have made the impossible possible.. I made it look easy AND I did it in heels. So. The heartbreaks, back breaking work, and sacrifices are over. I'm ready for you. I am now ready to enjoy my life and stop putting my hopes into a better future while suffering though the now. The future is here and my time is NOW.

laissez les bons temps rouler



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