Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Breakfast Lunch and Dinner at Tiffany's

I think all girls have a love affair with things from Tiffany.. I mean.. How can you not? Even the most tomboyish of women get giddy when they see the unmistakable Tiffany Blue Box. I have been lucky enough to receive one once in my life. I still have warm fuzzies about the person who gave it to me. Tiffany Box = Free Pass for a lifetime.

Flash forward about 8 years later. I have this great charm bracelet and I never bothered to put charms on it. They were so popular I stopped wearing mine for a while. I try to say a few laps past the current trend than rather than on trend. However, that doesn't negate I have a TIFFANY BRACELET! I need to wear it move often. Most people just wear theirs with the original toggle and don't add charms to it. I decided to add charms to mine. Luckily they are affordable. Perhaps with some help from my friends and a 1 charm a month plan in about 6 months my bracelet will be complete. Wish me luck!

Oracle's Tiffany Charm List
don' mignon et accessible  t que vous pensez


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